lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

New years Eve The Millennium Soul

A big celebration featuring water, fire and appearance of the figure of Millennium Soul will be held on Avda Maria Cristina and the Montjuic fountains, to usher in the New Year. 
A 15 m tall human figure made of iron, the Millennium Should will have the privilege of seeing off 2013 and ushering in the New Year. 
This event bears the La Fura dels Baus stamp and will combine water, pyrotechnics, and music in a show that aims to be lively and open to everybody. 
The Castellers de Sants will build a human tower, where they perform alongside the Montjuic fountain and water show. 
The bells, which pay tribute to Wagner's Parsifal on the quarter hours, will chime to volcanoes of fire and a huge explosion behind the Magic Fountain. The event will culminate in a pyrotechnic show mixed with the fountains.

And all in all, "this area, featuring the Buïgas fountains, the Catalan flag, the Venetian Towers... will be practically perfect mathematically for everyone to meet up and represent the essence of our culture, the sense of togetherness".
A great experience for the New Years Eve in Barcelona! 

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