martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

The Magic Fountain is even more magical at Christmas

The Montjuïc Magic Fountain will be dancing to the rhythm of the best-known Christmas carols from 7 December, when you'll be able to see a truly Christmassy show combining water, light and music.
Modern and classical versions of popular Catalan Christmas carols will be the highlight of the musical repertoire for a show which aims to become a festival classic. It will feature Fum, fum, fum, El desembre congelat and A Betlem me'n vull anar, among others. So, you've got until 5 January to enjoy the colours, shapes and movements of the water in a fountain that becomes even more magical during Christmas.
The Magic Fountain has choreographed music lasting 10 to 14 minutes which combines music excerpts. And you can also enjoy songs from last 3 to 4 minutes offered between choreography

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