martes, 6 de marzo de 2012


Pablo Picasso invented collage as an artistic technique around the spring of 1912. But long before this, in Barcelona in March 1899, he made a drawing in which he glued a technically reproduced image: the portrait of an actress. We now know that this piece is a picture card from a matchbox, which were very popular in the late nineteenth century.
From the peculiarity of the work, this small exhibition explores the new visuality of this period in which drawings and photographs vied for position in the popular illustrated papers and magazines, the boom in the mass production of printed images, which inundated everyday life, and the vogue for collecting them that seized a large part of the population.
The exhibion " A collage before Collage. Picasso 1899" revolves around this work and the reasons which led the young the young Picasso to stick a printed image on on of his painting. The exhibition invites us to explore the interest of Picasso in serial copies and it will also contextualize the obsession of cutting  and pasting which was a pastime of the society at that time.
Place: Museu Picasso | Montcada, 15-23 08003 Barcelona 
Opening time: Tuesday through Sunday (including holidays) 10 am to 8 pm.

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