jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012


Requesens palace offers a menu inspired on the typical Catalan food of the XIV and XV centuries on Fridays and Saturdays

Sternalia company proposes to relive the nights in the medieval Barcelona. This company is also responsible for the “Dinners with stars” at the Fabra observatory. This time, though, they swapped the stars for medieval history and the observatory for a palace. It belonged to The Requesens and was built in the 13th century. It was sheltered by the roman wall and so they decided to use one of its towers.  
It’s a very complete activity: there’s a guided tour of the Gòtic neighbourhood, a dinner with a medieval-like diet and a speech about the lifestyle the citizens had in that era. The meeting point is the Requesens palace which currently is the headquarters of the institution that takes care of the Catalan history and culture.
This trip to the past starts at the palace just before the sunset. It is located next to Sant Just square and even though it starts at 8pm you must be there a quarter before to check. Right after that begins a tour about 50 minutes long for the streets and backstreets that surround the palace to find out the essence of the medieval Barcelona. During August the tour focuses on some mysteries hidden in these buildings: Alchemy, witches and lost souls or Christian and profane legends. From September onwards up until December, the visitors will be able to feel like the medieval people that lived in those buildings and will learn what they used to do to survive the difficult medieval nights.
After the stroll, it’s time to have dinner at the Tinellet of the Palace. Even though it may be hard to believe, the Catalan medieval food was quite refined. Some people, such as the Franciscan Francesc Eiximenis, considered it the number one in the Christian world. The medieval food taste has a starter, a second plate and desert. You better experience it than hear about it. 
The day will end up with a speech named “The medieval city: walls, towers, burgs and streets” (until de first of September) or “”Marginalized people in the Middle Ages” (from the 7th to the 15th of September).
You can book calling at 93 327 01 25 (from Monday to Friday: from 9h to 21h), at 628 468 539 (Saturdays and Sundays from 10h to 14h) or sending an email to  info@raconsinsolits.com.


A new edition of the Barcelona International Boat Show is back this September, the benchmark event for professionals in the nautical sector in Spain and for sailing enthusiasts. It will be featuring all the latest innovations and sporting and recreational ideas for enjoying this massive nautical festival.

To the end of the month from 26th to 30th Septembre, will take place the Barcelona International Boat Show, the most important event on boats run by professionals and fans of the sport, which is celebrated each year in the city. 
The living room of Port Vell (Metro Barceloneta, line 4) is a very attractive event open to families and professinals, sporting activities, and introductory workshop to navigation for children. The cost of entry is 12€ ( 6€ registration on the webpage on the event). 


The popular  La Mercé Festival in Barcelona will start on September 21st 2012. This festival marks the closure of summer and it’s an special time for visiting the city, as it has amazing activities you can enjoy, in a time when the weather continues to be perfect in the city.
This yearLa mercé festival in Barcelonais going to start on a friday, and the party will last for 3 whole days,  ash the festival finishes on Monday 24th. 

La Mercè is the festival of festivals, where, in just a few days there are hundreds of activities like these:

  • Barcelona Acció Musical (Barcelona Musical Action): to hear new sounds
  • Barcelona Street Arts: artists performing amongst the public
  • Festival of tradition: human castles, bigheads, giants and all the festive beasts of the city, accompanied by guests of the Mediterranean
  • Festival of the sky: acrobatic meeting of jets, balloons, ultra lights, etc.
  • The Fire Festival: all kinds of sparks from the musical fireworks to the Fire Run...
With a long etcetera of more than 500 activities to everyone’s taste.
La Mercè is the festival of a thousand faces.